
No of Players



To be agreed. The Banker places a sum of money in the kitty at the start of the game which is competed for by the rest of the players.

Cards Dealt

3 to each player with the exception of the Banker who plays with the rest of the pack.


To win money from the Banker's kitty up to the value of the pot. A player may "shoot" for the entire pot.


Cut for Dealer/Banker. Three cards are dealt clockwise and face-down to each player. The deal/bank passes in rotation after each round.


Play commences with the player to the left of the dealer who, after examining his or her cards, must bet a sum of money up to the amount in the kitty, that one of his or her cards will be of the same suit but of a higher denomination than the top card of the residue of the pack held by the banker. A nominal minimum bet is agreed upon before the game commences.

After the bet has been made, the player reveals his or her hand and the banker turns over the top card of the pack. If the player wins, an equivalent amount to the wager is taken from the kitty but if he or she loses, the money wagered is placed into the kitty thereby increasing the pot. The player's cards and the banker's card are then placed on the bottom of the pack.

The procedure is repeated for the next player and a fresh card is taken from the top of the pack.

When all players have competed and there is still money in the kitty, then with 6 or less players the round continues with the same banker who, without shuffling the cards, deals 3 new cards to each player.

With more than 6 players the round ends on one deal and any money remaining in the kitty is taken by the banker.

If one player "shoots" and is successful in winning the whole kitty in one go, the round ends and the bank is passed to the next player and the cards are reshuffled.


Aces are high.




Card Index


Card Tricks