The Countryman's Quest

"I would be a mug and an idiot not to go and recover my sunken yacht.  I bet there is a fortune in diamonds which I left on board".

" I need to span a marked area for my hidden marker beacon.  Go and hire landing equipment as the wreck may be nineteen fathoms down.  As a scuba diver will not be able to manage to reach a depth like this without extra air, a qualified deep-sea diver will be needed".

"I ran into grief in landing once before in this area.  It's painful and can give a guy a nasty shock, but such risks are normal.  A wise skipper understands this and will draw a lesson from it".

"There is a noticeable ban on shipping in the region, but it is not a total ban.  I agree certain precautions are needed as we'd encountered danger many times before and the going could get tough.  A naval ship patrols the waters for Interpol and therefore carrying a stop-watch in an emergency, is vital.  You are advised to carry a Timex".

"I could delay us and we could go later, but hail and thunder is forecast, which is not uncommon a condition for this time of year, so can a date be arranged?"




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