Card and Other Tricks
Shuffle the cards and place one black and one red card face up on the table. Tell the person selected that by means of thought reading you will be able to place the right coloured cards on the right packs. Take a card from the pack, which you can see but which should not be shown to the person selecting. Ask if he or she thinks the card is red or black. Whatever colour is chosen place it face down on the appropriate coloured card showing. Continue selecting cards placing them face down according to the colour nominated. After a while say that you wish to break the pattern by swapping the positions of the two upturned cards and continue as before, placing black on the black card and red on red. The trick is for the first 10 to 12 goes, take out all red cards and then 10 to 12 black cards, placing them as instructed. When revealing the concealed cards turn over one pack from the top and the other from the bottom. In that way you will have a block of red cards and a block of black cards which appear to have changed when the pattern was broken |