Nine Card Brag

No of Players

2 - 5 ( an extra pack may be added if there are more players).

Cards to be dealt

9 cards to each player


To be agreed - an amount for each point behind the winner


To be the first to score 21 points


Cut for dealer. Dealer changes each round in clockwise rotation


Once the cards are dealt, players sort their hands in sets of three. Each set is sorted in "poker" fashion with the strongest set played first and the weakest set last.


Strength in descending order -

  1. Three of a kind (prial)………….Aces high
  2. Running Flush (straight)………...A,K,Q, high - Ace,2,3, low
  3. Run (cards of any suit)…………A,K,Q, high - Ace,2,3, low
  4. Flush ( 3 cards of same suit)……Any order of cards (higher cards taking precedence over lower cards).
  5. Pair…………………………….Aces high (in the event of two players having the same pair, the higher denominated odd card wins).
  6. Any three cards…………………Ace, King high


Play commences with the player to the left of the dealer who puts down the strongest of his or her sets. The rest of the players follow in rotation playing their strongest set. The winner of that round scores 3 points, the second 2 and the third 1 point.

The process is repeated for the second and third sets with the winner of the previous round going first and with the point allocation as before.

Once completed the cards are reshuffled and redealt and the hands organised and played as above.


It is up to the players to decide how to organise their sets. On occasions, it is better to arrange the sets so that, instead of having one very strong set and two relatively weak sets, a player dilutes the strength of the first set in order to strengthen the other two sets. (e.g. By breaking up a prial in order to make up two runs and a flush). After seeing a set or sets played by an opponent, a player may readjust the playing strength of his or her hand, in the manner suggested, if there is little or no chance of winning the round, provided the sets are still played in descending order of strength. Once played a set cannot be changed, the remaining cards can, however, be reorganised at any time.




Card Index


Card Tricks