No. of Players |
2 - 12 (or more) |
Stake |
3 counters (or coins). Each counter represents a life. |
Cards Dealt |
3 to each player and 3 extra cards as a box. |
Object |
To be the last player in the game with a life. |
Aim |
To make the highest score possible on each hand by collecting cards of:-
*The player (or players) with the lowest score when the hands are revealed forfeits a life. |
Play |
If the dealer sticks without looking at the cards in the box, then the box is passed face down to the player on his or her left and the procedure is repeated as in either (a) or (b) above. Play continues clockwise. Once a player has exchanged a card or cards he cannot stick until his next turn. As soon as a player has stuck, he is not entitled to exchange any further cards. Play continues until it reaches the first player to stick. At this point all hands are revealed and the player with the lowest score loses a life. The player on the immediate left of the dealer now becomes the new dealer and new hands are dealt and the procedure above repeated. |