No. of Players |
Minimum 2 otherwise unlimited |
Cards to be Dealt |
None |
Stake |
As agreed |
Object |
To have a higher card than the Banker's |
Preliminaries |
Cut for Banker, who, after an agreed number of goes passes the Bank in a clockwise rotation. |
Play |
The pack is shuffled by the Banker who divides the pack into a number of smaller packs and places them face down on the table. The number of packs should equal the number of players plus one for the Banker. Each player in turn places a bet on any one of the packs, leaving one pack remaining for the Banker. All the packs are turned over revealing the bottom cards. Players win with higher denominated cards than that shown by the Banker's pack. The Banker will match the bet placed on those packs. Players with a card of the same denomination or lower lose to the Bank. (Aces are high). The cards are then reshuffled and the process is repeated as above. |