A Mix Up in the Menagerie

"I can't elope", said Cassandra moodily. "The rabbi told me not to be a rotter speeding off

like this in the car I bought".

"It looks bad Gerry and impractical for me to go at this time".

The usually dynamic, ebullient Gerry was feeling numb.

"Do go on" he announced, " I feel knocked out and awful, I only came looking for you, so

where is the catch?" "Are we going AWOL?" frowned Gerry.

He did look a pitiful sight, his face a mask. Unkempt and in a daze, brandishing a map and

atlas, he wearily clambered out from behind the steering wheel and fell.

Amazingly he staggered to his feet.

"Do explain, as it seems to me you are now anti-Gerry" he scowled.

"Now you are being irrational and going overboard" said Cassandra, who grinned


"I felt boxed-in and needed to escape and take a trip I guess".

"It never occurred to me that it would not be a very good idea, whereupon you were

shrewder and knew all the time that it was useless to attempt it", was her glib explanation.




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